How the ChatGPT experiment started
This started out as a game between friends on whatsapp, where we were creating puns with ant based meanings, using words that end with ‘ant’.
So after the first few ‘ant’-words were exhausted, I went on to Chatgpt for help,
with the instruction:
” give me a list of 50 words ending with “ant”.
What ChatGPT anwered
Since I’ve been playing with Chatgpt and testing it’s strengths, I expected that, internally, it would write and run itself a small straight-forward programming script to match words from a dictionary, ending with ‘ant’.
But here was what it spit out..
Here is what Chatgpt listed 50 words ending in “ant”:
1 Assistant
2 Insistant
3 Existant
4 Persistant
5 Assistant
6 Plant
7 Elegant
8 Accountant
9 Vacant
10 Rasant
11 Constant
12 Pliant
13 Convenient
14 Triumphant
15 Pregnant
16 Familiar
17 Intoxicated
18 Relevant
19 Efficient
20 Occasional
21 Vibrant
22 Hilariant
23 Relevant
24 Important
25 Significant
26 Important
27 Deficient
28 Abundant
29 Resident
30 Persistent
31 Fluorescent
32 Opponent
33 Inconsistent
34 Tenant
35 Adjacent
36 Dissident
37 Emancipant
38 Incumbent
39 Relevant
40 Confident
41 Desirous
42 Prosperous
43 Observant
44 Malodorous
45 Nutritious
46 Ferocious
47 Capricious
48 Graceless
49 Graceless
50 Odorous
Something odd was happening
Upto the first few words the list was ok, then at number 13 it said “Convenient”.
I guess, the AI was using “ant” for sound matching and outputting an “ent” word.
But then check out the next words at
16 Familiar
17 Intoxicated
18 Relevant
19 Efficient
20 Occasional
What’s it thinking?
This is seriously, out of sync.
And then the last ten words, I failed to follow how it got them
40 Confident
41 Desirous
42 Prosperous
43 Observant
44 Malodorous
45 Nutritious
46 Ferocious
47 Capricious
48 Graceless
49 Graceless
50 Odorous
So, more research
This was very intriguing and interesting. Can this even be happening?
So now for further testing, I asked for 100 words…
The instructions were:
give me a list of 100 english words ending in “-ant “
This is the output:
1 Assistant
2 Insistant
3 Existant
4 Persistant
5 Assistant
6 Plant
7 Elegant
8 Accountant
9 Vacant
10 Rasant
11 Constant
12 Pliant
13 Convenient
14 Triumphant
15 Pregnant
16 Familiar
17 Intoxicated
18 Relevant
19 Efficient
20 Occasional
21 Vibrant
22 Hilariant
23 Relevant
24 Important
25 Significant
26 Important
27 Deficient
28 Abundant
29 Resident
30 Persistent
31 Fluorescent
32 Opponent
33 Inconsistent
34 Tenant
35 Adjacent
36 Dissident
37 Emancipant
38 Incumbent
39 Relevant
40 Confident
41 Desirous
42 Prosperous
43 Observant
44 Malodorous
45 Nutritious
46 Ferocious
47 Capricious
48 Graceless
49 Graceless
50 Odorous
51 Transparent
52 Ignorant
53 Relevant
54 Linguist
55 Brillant
56 Intrinsic
57 Obedient
58 Persistent
59 Persistent
60 Fluorescent
61 Insolent
62 Hilarious
63 Persistent
64 Relevant
65 Persistent
66 Observant
67 Odorous
68 Insolent
69 Elegant
70 Brilliant
71 Obedient
72 Intrinsic
73 Transparent
74 Ignorant
75 Fluorescent
76 Persistent
77 Persistent
78 Persistent
79 Persistent
80 Persistent
81 Persistent
82 Persistent
83 Persistent
84 Persistent
85 Persistent
86 Persistent
87 Persistent
88 Persistent
89 Persistent
90 Persistant
91 Persistant
92 Persistant
93 Persistant
94 Persistant
95 Persistant
96 Persistant
97 Persistant
98 Persistant
99 Persistant
100 Persistant
Now the list upto word 50 is the same as the previous one, but after that there are very few words ending in ‘ant’
What is crazier is that, at word 76 onwards it is persistently at ‘Persistent’ and the last 10 words the spelling is changed to ‘Persistant’

What’s the explanation of ChatGPT’s behaviour ?
Can someone explain how ChatGPT thinks in this particular use case ?
Does Chatgpt do complicated things easier than the the simple ones?
Please do your own tests and let us know.
Looking for some insightful answers.
#ChatGPT, #openAI, #AI