Kindly talk to us, we love your feedback !
The following is not a real Feedback form, but suggested Feedback guidelines that you can modify and use.
We will be happy to know the same answers, of what and how you think about our business !
Salient points of the Feedback Form
Going through the points below may be a simple exercise, but it is a very important one.
Not only will this allow us to help you more, but this is also a regular reminder for you to take some time out of your business to think of ways to better your business, and that of your departments and associates.
A suggestion: Don’t just think about the following points, write them down, and then have a discussion with us !
Business Feedback
- My business is good on the following fronts __________________________
- What can I do to get ahead of my competitors ? __________________________
- My Business needs to be better in the following areas ______________________
- What are the pain-points/bottlenecks ? _______________________________
- I would like to improve my following business processes _____________________
Product / Services Feedback
- I am happy/not happy with the following _____________ (product/service/website etc.) that I am using
- I also require ______________________________
- Can you also do this for me ?
_______________________________ ( all your issues)
- I need to discuss the following queries to further my business. Can we talk about it?
_______________________________ ( your business ideas)
Refer Products/Business
- I want to refer you to __________ ________ (friend/company) for their following requirement ______________

Thank you for making us a part of your enterprise.
It is our pleasure to help you and your business in every way we can.
Related business tip
How to use someone else’s Business Feedback form/page for your own business